Knowledge Transfer

The actors involved in KASTEL also participate in measures to improve IT security, which are not financed by the BMBF. KASTEL will not only provide new impulses for research into applied security technologies and new insights into cyber-security research, but will also trigger important advances in education. Research and teching form an important unit at German universities, which is why a comprehensive teaching and qualification concept is a natural part of KASTEL. The design and implementation of security solutions requires comprehensive knowledge of both the application and the required security measures. This must be reflected in the education of those who work in security critical areas.
Certificate for students
The certificate is addressed to students at KIT. Further information can be found on the certificate page.
The Kryptologikum is mainly targeted at students and all those who are interested in cryptographic principles. Further information can be found at
The primary objective of KASTEL’s qualification is to strengthen the education at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in applied security technologies. The qualification concept continues an important principle of KASTEL: The security of an application must not be considered in isolation, bust must be developed from different perspectives by users and security experts together. The qualification concept is based on the training of qualified specialists for research and is thus an important building block for the sustainability of KASTEL. Due to the wide range of offerings and the broad target group, industry and thus Germany as a business location will also benefit from the fact that education at the KIT provides a better understanding of ubiquitous security problems and current approaches of solving them. The central point of the qualification concept for students is the introduction of a certificate, which certifies that the graduates of KIT have placed a special emphasis on security issues during their education.
However, the qualification concept is not only directed at students. The goal is to raise awareness of security issues among all interested parties and to provide them with the necessary knowledge. This is why we offer students the opportunity to deal with security research topics. At the same time, in view of the rapid development of security technologies, we also consider it essential to reach professionals by means of further qualification measures. In addition to the events for students, professionals and pupils, KASTEL offers regular presentations in cooperation with the “Karlsruher Initiative IT-Sicherheit” <TODO: KA-IT-SI?>. In these presentations, experts from industry and research will present current topics and developments in the field of security. These lectures are aimed at undergraduate and graduate students of KASTEL as well as the interested public.